
Do Granite Countertops Stain? How To Remove And Prevent Stains

Granite is one of the most popular countertop options out there, but the million-dollar question still looms over people’s heads before buying granite countertops is: Does granite stain? Here is everything you need to know about it.

Stains And Granite Countertops

Granite is a natural stone. Natural stones are porous. It means that they have lots of tiny holes on the surface of the stone that allow water and moisture to seep in.

This is something that can lead to stains and, sadly, granite is also in this category. There are many ways by which granite can get stained, but water and moisture are some of the most common elements by which you can ruin your perfectly good countertops.

Granite is naturally quite sturdy and durable, but these small holes can be the drawback of the beautiful material. There are a lot of stones out there that are porous and they need to be taken care of, otherwise, the surfaces are going to turn into a display of splotches.

Since you are going to be working in the kitchen, there is a high risk of granite getting exposed to spills and what not and getting stained. So, to keep your countertops looking beautiful for longer, something needs to be done about the porous properties of these stones. Here is what you can do.

How To Remove Stains From Granite Countertops?

Now that you know why granite countertops stains, you can get rid of any existing stains you have on your countertops with these tricks.

Use Dish Soap

This is a very simple solution, but it’s very effective and it will surprise you with its qualities. Dish detergent is the perfect thing to use on your countertops especially if there are stains on the surface of your granite countertops.

You just need some detergent. Drop a bit of it on the stain. You can use a wet washcloth or a toothbrush to gently brush the surface and it will get rid of the stain. Then, use a clean and slightly wet cloth to wipe the suds away.

Baking Soda To The Rescue

If the stain is a bit pesky and it’s not going away with a detergent, then don’t worry because baking soda is going to get the job done. You will need some baking soda and some water.

Make a pasty solution and apply it on the surface of granite countertops where there are stains. Leave the solution for a few minutes and then use a wet washcloth to wipe everything away. The stain will go away like it was never there.

Use A Soft Toothbrush

For dried-up food crumbs that are stuck to the surface of the countertops, you don’t want to scrape them with a metal scraper. This might lead to scratches and you don’t want that. Instead, use a wet toothbrush with a bit of detergent and go over the food stain back and forth. It will eventually lighten and you can repeat it a couple of times until the stain is gone for good.

It’s an amazing way to clean up those stains that are pretty much permanent, but you won’t scratch up your granite countertops, so that’s an amazing thing.

Be Gentle When Using A Food Scraper

Food scrapers can be tricky to use, especially on granite which can be prone to scratches if you’re not too careful. This is why you want to use a plastic scraper and you want to use it ever so gently on the granite countertop surfaces.

Try to wedge the scraper on the top of the food stain to get rid of it for the most part and then you can use a soft toothbrush to go over the stain until it’s gone. You might think that it’s a lot of work, but you’ll save your countertops from getting scratched deeply.

Use Store-Bought Cleaners

If you want to get rid of a stain like oil, then you will need something a lot more powerful and this is where special cleaners come in handy. Try to get ones that are safe for use on granite countertops and also take a look at the pH of the cleaner because you don’t want to go for something acidic or that has a lot of harsh chemicals  as it will ruin the countertops.

Use the cleaner as per the instructions and you’ll see that your countertops will be free from stains for the long haul.

How To Prevent Stains On Granite Countertops?

Here are some things you can try to prevent stains from forming on your granite countertops.

Sealing Is The Way To Go

The number one way of ensuring that your granite countertops remain in pristine condition and don’t stain is by sealing them. Sealing countertops, especially natural stone countertops, is important because it closes off the pores of the stone and it also prevents water, moisture, or any liquid for that matter, from seeping into the material and ruining it.

So, before or after the installation, you’ll need to seal your granite countertops with a sealant and that’s going to prevent stains in the long run. It’s also something you’ll need to redo every couple of years to ensure your granite island or countertop stays stain-free.

Regularly Clean The Countertops

Another thing that can make your countertops look brand new and prevent stains from becoming permanent is regular cleaning. If you’re not a fan of cleaning your countertops after winding down for the day, then unfortunately, you might ruin your countertops by yourself.

You need to make it a habit to clean your countertops every single day. This prevents anything from drying up on your countertops and it’s also more hygienic. So, as soon as you’re done for the day in the kitchen, clean the countertops. You’ll thank yourself later for taking good care of your countertops.

Use A Cutting Board

Fruits, vegetables, and meats can also make your countertops stain like there’s no tomorrow. Juicy and citrus-y fruits will make your countertops stain and they can also become permanent, especially if you’re cutting things up directly on the surface of the countertops.

This is why you need to invest in a good quality cutting board and use that for cutting up foods and meats. You’ll save your countertops from becoming a scratchy mess and it’s also handy for other things like handling hot pots and pans.

Avoid Water Damage

Since you’re in the kitchen, this can be hard but, you need to ensure that you’re not getting granite countertops wet, especially if sealing them is long overdue. You want to wipe any water or spills right away and you also don’t want to keep the surfaces sopping wet because that’s where the damage begins and the water can eventually find its way into the material and it can ruin your perfectly good countertops. So, even though water is harmless per se, you don’t want it to get too close to your countertops.


Granite will stain since it’s a natural rock, but there are ways to rectify the problem. Sealing and daily cleaning are the best solutions. You can seal granite countertops yourself, but if you need an expert, contact granite installers Potomac.



Recycled Glass Vs Granite Countertops

There are so many countertop materials to choose from, and most of them are pretty durable and long-lasting in the kitchen. Let’s talk about two materials that are excellent in their respective categories. Granite countertops are the most popular in the realm of kitchen countertops while recycled glass is great eco-friendly option. Here is a comparative guide on granite and recycled glass countertops.

Common Differences Between Recycled Glass And Granite Countertops


The very first thing that sets recycled glass and granite apart is the composition. Based on composition, the durability and strength can be determined.

Recycled Glass Countertops

Recycled glass is made out of pulverized and broken glass, so reused glass bottles, shattered or damaged glass, etc., are used to make recycled glass.

All of the shards are mixed and broken down into a powder-like form and then mica, color, and resin are added to bind the powdery mixture into a rock-hard and solid countertop slab.

As we mentioned, recycled glass is an eco-friendly material and its trendy nowadays making it perfect for use in modern and minimal kitchens.

Granite Countertops

Granite, also known as the king of the countertops, is a natural stone that’s found deep inside the Earth. It’s an igneous rock that’s made out of molten rocks, sediments, and mica and the molten mixture is also under the influence of extremely high temperature and pressure. Once the rock is molten, the mixture moves up, due to plate movements in the Earth layers, and the rock is then quarried from the ground.

Granite is usually dark in color and it has specks of grains and glittery mica veining all over the surface, which makes this material so beautiful in the kitchen. You won’t want to take your eyes off it.


Next up is durability and this factor plays a key role in evaluating whether a countertop material is even worth it or not.

Recycled Glass Countertops

As far as recycled glass countertops are concerned, you might think, at first glance, that these countertops will shatter very easily. Well, that’s far from the truth. Even though recycled glass isn’t the most durable material from the lot, it’s reasonable in strength and it can sustain pressure and impact damage just fine. Yes, it is prone to scratches and chipping, so using a cutting board would save your beautiful and iridescent countertops from being all scratched up on the surface.

Granite Countertops

Granite is one of the hardest materials on Earth, coming in close to diamond. Granite, because of its composition and its endurance to heat and pressure, is really strong. You can use sharp knives directly on the surface of these countertops and they won’t show much damage, however, you still shouldn’t. Granite is also heat resistant, so heat stains will be history.

By now, you may be thinking that granite is indestructible. Although granite is a durable material, that still doesn’t mean that it can’t be damaged. Using harsh chemicals on the surface of granite for cleaning can majorly affect the look of the countertops and acids can eat the material away. Moreover, ignoring sealing can also make it prone to damage and staining.


Another important thing that people tend to research on kitchen countertop materials is the maintenance aspect of things. Let’s be real! No one loves materials that need a lot of maintenance.

Recycled Glass Countertops

Recycled glass is the clear winner in this department because it doesn’t need to be sealed, waxed, or polished, in any way. It is a non-porous material through and through and other than cleaning this bad boy, there’s nothing you need to do more. Cleaning recycled glass is also pretty easy because a mixture of soap and water and a wet and soft washcloth will suffice.

However, when these countertops show signs of ageing, their surface might become uneven. Then, they can be difficult to clean.

Granite Countertops

As for granite, even though it’s amazing as far as durability is concerned, it needs to be maintained.

First of all, since granite is a porous rock, it’s prone to stains especially if water or any other liquid is on the surface for too long. This is why it needs to be sealed to make it waterproof. It also needs specialty cleaners that are pH balanced because granite is sensitive to harsh chemicals, bleach, and acids and these liquids shouldn’t be used for cleaning this material.


The price is also another important factor that compels people to either buy a certain countertop material or leave it for other options. No matter how good or strong a countertop material is, if it’s out of the budget, then you won’t buy it. It’s as simple as that.

Recycled Glass Countertops

Recycled glass can vary in price wherever you buy it from, but it’s still a touch less expensive than granite. Because it’s a man-made material and there’s not a whole lot of effort involved in making this material on a mass scale, it’s reasonable in price. The cost of recycled glass countertops can be anywhere between $60 to $155 per square foot.

Granite Countertops

Granite countertops are a bit on the expensive side of things. Since this material is sought-after and it’s really popular among people, there is a high demand for it, which implies that this material needs to be quarried in huge amounts. This calls for more workforce and more resources, which also hikes the price of this material.

Granite can cost you anywhere between $75 to $150 for a 1×1 foot slab. If you want to go a bit light-handed on the budget, then granite tiles are a bit more reasonable than slabs.


Variety is also something that can make or break the deal.

Recycled Glass Countertops

Recycled glass, since it’s a man-made material, is available in a ton of colors, and patterns, and there are even textured countertops that you can go for because they look very pretty.

As for granite countertops, you can’t have too much variety because whatever is in the ground is what you’re going to get. There are light and dark colors available in granite, but they’re few and far between, so darker colors with subtle and random veining are more commonly seen everywhere.


Now comes the installation of the material. Believe it or not, some materials are harder to install than others. Recycled glass is not as readily available as other man-made materials. This can lead to a shortage of contractors and there aren’t a lot of professionals who can safely install recycled glass countertops.

However, since this material is lighter than most rocks and other options, it’s relatively easier to install as far as weight is concerned. Also, since there’s less maintenance involved, the countertops are set and you’re good to go to use them.

Granite Countertops

Granite slabs can be really heavy. Even though contractors are extremely careful when it comes to installation, there can be accidents and some ends of the countertops can chip or break. Granite tiles, on the other hand, are easier to install, since they’re lightweight, but there can be a problem of seams.

If you don’t want seams in your countertops, then slabs are your best choice, but you need to ensure that the installer is professional and that they perform the entire process safely and carefully. The more careful they are during installation, the better the results will be.


Recycled glass and granite countertops are both amazing in their league, with a few drawbacks each. Need help? Discuss your preferences with granite contractors Potomac to find the right material for your kitchen island or countertop.



Which Countertop Materials Are The Most Durable?

The best kitchen countertop materials are those that last long and can stand against almost anything that kitchen prep throws at them. Granite countertops are the most popular, but are they also the most durable? Here is a list of countertop materials ranging from the most durable to the least.

Most Durable Countertop Materials


The most durable countertops of them all is none other than quartz. This man-made material is seriously a titan in the kitchen. It requires almost zero maintenance. It doesn’t need to be sealed because it’s not porous and it can also resist heat and scratches better than many. So, that makes quartz a clear winner in the kitchen.

Moreover, you don’t need to handle quartz with kid’s gloves or invest in specialty products to clean the surfaces daily. A bit of water and soap goes a long way.

However, there are still some downsides. For instance, quartz excellent for indoor kitchen but not for outdoor kitchens.

Moreover, quartz is usually available in light colors. From light grays, beige, off-white to stark white. Now, a lot of the time, people want a bit darker color to play with and there may be some limitations. Other than that, if you’re looking for a material that will outlast everything, then quartz is your best bet.


You might have thought that granite would get the top spot in the list of most durable countertops, but quartz beat it to the punch. However, granite is just as durable as quartz and it’s also long-lasting. Then why isn’t it on the top spot? you may ask.

Well, the maintenance required for this natural stone is what makes people skitter away. Since it’s a natural stone, granite has lots of pores on the surface. These pores can suck water and moisture in and ruin the stone. This is why sealing granite countertops is a must. It not only gives the countertops a shiny surface but also makes them last longer.

As far as regular cleaning is concerned, granite has a sensitivity to acids and harsh chemicals, so you need to get pH-balanced cleaners for it to remain undamaged and most of all, clean.

Solid Surface

Solid surface is another man-made option that’s durable and long-lasting. Solid surface is made out of pulverized rocks mixed in with clear resin and pigments to give the countertops a dash of color.

This rock-hard material is resistant to scratches, stains, and water damage, so there’s no need for you to seal these babies.

The only downside would be that solid surface doesn’t do well with heat. It can get damaged by heat if you constantly put hot pots and pans on the surface. Heat stains are almost impossible to remove and they can ruin the look of your perfect countertops. So, it’s better to protect them with cutting boards and trivets.


Concrete is a very versatile and reasonable option to go for. Concrete is hydrophilic, so it loves moisture and it will absorb any moisture in the surroundings within minutes if not seconds. So, sealing these countertops is a must.

Concrete countertops also have great resistance against pressure and heat, so you can deal with hot food all you want on this countertop material and it won’t budge. It also endures scratches well, so you won’t have a scratched-up surface at the end of the day. The best part? You can get it in any color and shape you want.


Tile countertops are durable too. Don’t let the wafer-thinness fool you. Some porcelain tiles are durable and long lasting. One of the things that make tile countertops amazing is the fact that they’re really easy to install. Say goodbye to handling huge slabs and welcome tiles because tiles are manageable and you can even install them by yourself if you have a bit of time and skills.

Tiles also perform well under heat and pressure, although they can break or crack easily, especially ceramic tiles which are not recommended for kitchen countertops. However, if your countertop tile cracks, it’s not something to worry about since you can easily replace the broken tile with a new one.

Stainless Steel

If you’re looking for a minimal countertop material that will make your kitchen look professional, then stainless steel is the one to choose. Stainless steel is also pretty amazing considering that you don’t need to worry about waterproofing or anything like that. However, fingerprints, hand smudges, scratches will be an issue with stainless steel. Because of its mirror-like shine, it can reflect smudges a lot clearly and you have to clean them.

Not to mention, stainless steel is pretty hefty in price, as it is in quality, so you’ll need to have a comfortable budget for this material.

Not So Durable Materials

Now some materials which are not that durable and you should think twice before investing in them.


Hardwood is not the best material to use in the kitchen and there are a couple of reasons why. Firstly, wood is not great against water and moisture. So, it will get ruined sooner because of mold and fungus. Also, hardwood isn’t naturally stain-resistant so you need to seal the countertops right after installation.

Hardwood, on the flip side, is amazing against heat. It can endure high temperatures without any damage, so that’s the quality that makes this material a somewhat good choice, but other than that, you might want to explore other durable options for countertops in the kitchen. If you’re dead set on installing a wood countertop, then look for wood types that do well against moisture.


Marble is a beautiful natural stone with looks that will make everyone stare in awe, but it’s not as durable as other natural stones like granite and limestone. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that marble needs a lot of maintenance and it’s a soft and fragile material that gets chipped and cracked under even the slightest of pressure. So, marble is even worse when it comes to maintenance than granite.

Therefore, if you’re not a fan of constantly maintaining a countertop material instead of working on it, then it’s best that you don’t go for it.

On the bright side, marble does perform well under a lot of heat, since it’s a natural stone and it’s made inside the boiling depths of the Earth. And as said earlier, marble slabs are extremely beautiful.


Soapstone, a slippery soft material is great against heat and water damage. However, it scratches extremely easily. It’s even softer than marble, so using a sharp knife directly on the surface of soapstone will result in deep scratches that look hideous. Also, if you want to install soapstone in your kitchen, then regular sealing is a must.


If you’re looking for a cheap and reasonable countertop material, then laminate is a great choice. It’s popular among people mainly because of its low price and reasonable longevity.

Laminate is made out of layers of plywood and there’s a decorative layer on top and this is where all the magic happens. This decorative layer can be made into any countertop design known to man. So, you can get the look of granite, marble, quartz, or anything for half the price. That’s pretty amazing in the books of the majority of people.


The first 6 materials are amazing for investing in your kitchen because they will last for a long time. The other four are also fine, but not as durable. if you want the best of them, pick granite or quartz countertops. Moreover, choose reliable countertop replacement services Rockville for high-quality slabs and perfect installation.



10 Countertop Materials You Can Choose In Place Of Marble

Marble is a beautiful countertop material, but since it’s an expensive material, a lot of people can’t afford it. Those who can, still want an option that looks like marble or more durable than marble, but with a lower price tag. If you want countertop materials similar to marble, then you’re at the right place. Hint: some are even better than marble such as granite and quartz countertops. Let’s begin!

Alternatives To Marble Countertops


If marble isn’t in your budget and you just can’t deal with the mountain of maintenance it needs, then you can skip it and go for a very durable, beautiful, and simple quartz.

Quartz is a man-made material made out of natural quartz, minerals, and resin all packed together to give a countertop that is so strong that it will outlive everything else. You can get quartz in a variety of colors too, but if you want to stick to the light marble theme, then quartz has tons of options for you to choose from.

The light background with the contrasting subtle veining is to die for and you will love the look of it in your kitchen. It’s certainly the closest material to marble as far as looks are concerned and it’s also one of the most long-lasting ones, so you know that you won’t need to slave over its maintenance.


Even though its name is anything but light, onyx comes in a lot of light colors too and one of the striking resemblances it has to marble is the fact that it looks very much like the fragile stone, but it’s anything but. The color variety of onyx will leave you confused in the best way and you can rest assured that these slabs will last long in the kitchen.

Another great thing about onyx is that it’s very resistant to heat, so say goodbye to those heat stains.

The only downside is that it needs to be sealed because the surface of onyx has a lot of pores that tend to suck water and moisture in. This can ruin your countertops. So, seal them and you will be good to go.


It sounds like quartz, but it’s natural stone and it looks just like marble. If you want to get your hands on a natural stone, since marble is one too, you’re going to love quartzite countertops. Quartzite has that soft and rough and tough finish that perfect quartz doesn’t have and it looks amazing in the kitchen.

It also has a decent color variety and since it’s primarily available in lighter colors, you can get your hands on muted hues. However, just like any other natural stone, you will need to make it waterproof by sealing it. It’s a measure that will make it long-lasting.


Next in line is granite. Now, you might be thinking: How does granite make a good alternative to marble? It’s dark! Well, granite is available in lighter colors too and you can get amazing slabs in muted colors with the same natural beauty that everyone knows and loves about marble. And the plus point is that granite is more rigid and durable than marble.

There is also subtle veining and mosaic patterns on granite that add that extra layer of something-something to your countertops. Moreover, many types and qualities of granite are cheaper than marble.


Just like its name, soapstone is light, soft, and slippery in the best way. If you want something that looks like marble but has the feel of butter, then soapstone is the material for you. It is soft to the touch and the random subtle and heavy veining just takes this material to the next level.

Be warned though because soapstone is a very fragile material and it can be chipped or cracked if you put too much pressure on it. So, try to take it easy on the poor material and don’t use sharp knives directly on the surface of soapstone and also don’t put heavy items on it if you don’t want scratches or cracks on the surface.


White concrete can also mimic the appearance of marble, that is if you do it right. White concrete is available in either pre-made slabs or you can get them fabricated and even add veining to give it that marble-like appeal.

Concrete is a highly porous material though and it can darken over time, especially if you get it wet a lot, so you’ll need to have it sealed and polished after every couple of months. However, it is a much cheaper, but durable option as compared to marble. So, there are many good things going for concrete.


Neolith is a new material in the realm of countertops, but it’s getting more and more popular. It is made out of pulverized quartz, glass, and porcelain and it’s a lightweight and durable option for those who want their countertops to look like that of marble. It also has a reasonable price and it is affordable to install. Since it’s lightweight, most people can install it by themselves too.

To add to the qualities of neolith, it is also heat resistant, so all in all, it’s a great material for someone who wants marble-like countertops, but on a budget.


The beautiful porcelain! Even though porcelain slabs are seldom used in kitchens, you can still see the similarities between porcelain and marble. It’s a material that screams “opulence” and “indulgence” and the iridescent look and light color of porcelain will steal your heart.

However, it’s not as strong as the other options. It can chip pretty easily, so it might not be the best option for the kitchen. However, you can safely use it in the bathroom as countertops and vanities and that will look amazing. Porcelain can also be used to make shower fixtures.

But if you only want porcelain for kitchen countertops, there are some varieties that are tougher which can use.

Solid Surface

A durable, man-made option is solid surface. This material is pulverized minerals and resin all sealed together in a rock-hard thing of beauty. The light color is very similar to marble and it also has the option of veining like marble and natural stone countertops.

Solid surface is pretty much robust and indestructible. It’s heat resistant, it doesn’t stain, it doesn’t scratch and it also has built-in UV protection to prevent darkening of the countertops.


If you want a material that is affordable and can mimic almost all of the countertops known to man, then vinyl is the one you want to go for. It’s a combination of plywood slabs and decorative sheets on top. These sheets are magical things because you can print any countertop design on them, stick them onto the panel and call it a day.

It’s probably the cheapest option available so you can safely that it’s not as durable as other options on this list.


Who says you can’t get the beauty of marble countertops at a much more reasonable price? Now you can choose from a list of materials that look strikingly similar to marble. If you want the best options, choose granite or quartz. Get in touch with quartz countertop contractors Potomac to take a look at various light-colored quartz slabs.



Prefabricated Vs. Custom Kitchen Countertops

We’ve all been there. Once finally we decide on the material of kitchen countertops like granite or quartz countertops, we have to make another hard decision of deciding between prefabricated and custom countertop designs. What to do? What to choose? Well, here is everything you need to know about choosing prefabricated and custom countertops.

How To Choose Between Prefab And Custom Countertops?

What Are They?

Prefabricated Countertops

These are countertops that are already cut out for you, with the holes of sinks, outlets, and, sometimes, edges already in place. You just need to buy them and install them in your kitchen. These designs are pre-made by the manufacturers in large quantities to reduce costs.

Custom Countertops

Custom kitchen countertops are countertops that you design by yourself and have an expert carve out every single detail according to your liking. Everything from the size, the edge design, the shape of the sink cavity, and things in between is decided by you.


If you thought that you could get prefabricated or custom countertops in any material under the sun, then you couldn’t be more wrong. Prefabrication and customization are two very distinct things and they can’t be done blindly for every kitchen countertop material. There is strength, durability, the overall structure of the slab, and, most importantly, the demand that needs to be considered.

Prefabricated Countertops

Prefab countertops usually include in-demand and popular materials like granite, quartz, marble, and even limestone. Retailers usually know that these materials are what people gravitate towards the most so they tend to make a lot of pre-designed cutouts that can be useful for people who don’t know anything about customization or want quick installations.

Softer materials like soapstone, porcelain, etc. can or cannot be prefabricated or there might not be a lot of choices of design in them because they’re not as flexible when it comes to designing the edges, cutouts, and other details.

Custom Countertops

As for custom countertops, they are more tasteful and they require a lot of attention to detail. You can get a custom design for any countertop material you want like granite, quartz, marble, limestone, soapstone, travertine, porcelain, quartzite, solid surface, and others.

However, if you’re pressed for time, then you won’t be able to go for these countertops, because they take a lot of time to get done.

Custom countertops have a quality that prefabricated countertops cannot level. These countertops are made with every single detail in mind, whereas prefabricated ones are made in bulk, so there are little quality assessments and there can be some areas where the design or slab might not fit well with your kitchen space. Whereas with custom countertops, you don’t need to worry about a stitch.


Next comes the price tag. Kitchen countertop materials are already expensive, so you should give this one a thought as well.

Prefabricated Countertops

Prefab countertops are a bit on the less expensive end of the spectrum because they’re made in bulk and there is a general design template that’s followed when cutting them out. Usually, it’s a mix between versatile and the most common designs that people go for.

Most people tend pick these countertops because of the reasonable price and if they spent a lot on natural stone countertops, then they wouldn’t want to spend any more on anything else so they might simply choose prefab slabs.

Usually, prefabricated countertops will cost you anywhere between $40 to $100 per square foot, so it’s a pretty good deal. However, the final price hugely depends on the material and the quality of the material you’re choosing.

Custom Countertops

Custom countertops are way more expensive. Some custom countertops can have prices in the same range as the countertop material itself. So, you’ll be splurging a lot if you want custom countertops.

The reason why these countertops cost an arm and a leg is because they’re very unique and however you want the countertops to be fabricated, they can be customized for according to your kitchen’s measurements and needs.

There isn’t a set price range for customized countertops because it can be as detailed or as generic as you want it to be. Usually, customized countertops can run between $100 to $500 per square foot. Again, the price depends a lot on the material you choose.


Size is also another issue that a lot of people face when getting countertops.

Prefabricated Countertops

Prefab countertops are available in a few designated sizes. So, if any of them work for you, then good, otherwise you’ll need to go for custom countertops. This is what’s bumming about prefabricated countertops. There’s no room for any sort of customization.

Custom Countertops

Custom countertops are customized to any size you want. Whether you want big or small or wide or narrow countertops, anything can be made for you. A great thing about customized countertops is that you give the details first, and then the fabrication process commences, so the countertops are being made for your specific kitchen requirements.


Availability of the countertops is half the battle.

Prefabricated Countertops

Prefabricated countertops are available in a several designs. Since they’re built in bulk, there isn’t a shortage of quantity and they’re mostly available any and everywhere.

However, the main thing that causes people to turn away from prefabricated countertops is the fact that the sizes, shapes, and designs they want are seldom available. So, it questions the fact whether these countertops are even worth buying or not.

Even if they’re available in abundance, it’s likely you won’t find your desired countertop shape or design and that’s going to put you back in square one.

Custom Countertops

If you’re not pressed for time and have some extra cash to spare, then definitely consider custom countertops because they can be made in just about any shape and design your heart desires. The winning factor in customized countertops is the fact that these aren’t made until someone requests them.

From that point on, you can provide measurements, shape, and other design requirements and all that’s left to do is wait it out until the countertops are complete.


Installation is probably the most important factor to consider and this is where time is of the essence.

Prefabricated Countertops

Prefabricated countertops are cut out and ready to be installed as soon as you swipe the card for purchase. All you need is an installer or not if you’re skilled enough to install the countertop by yourself, and you’ll be done.

These countertops save you a lot of time and they’re great if you’re remodeling your kitchen and want a quick installation.

Custom Countertops

On the other hand, custom countertops can’t be made in haste. These countertops need all of the attention during the fabrication process and it can take anywhere between 2 to 4 weeks for the countertops to be complete. Afterwards, you can get them installed.

So, custom countertops aren’t as instant as prefabricated ones and this can be a good or bad thing. Again, it all boils down to you. If you have the time and you’ve planned, then you can sit back and watch your dream countertops get made and installed in your kitchen. However, if you don’t have the luxury of time, then it’s best if you go for another countertop fabrication option.

You can manage the waiting time by ordering custom countertops a few weeks before your kitchen remodeling project so you have them ready when you begin the remodeling.


Whether you want to go for prefabricated or custom countertops, this guide will help you through everything. You can consult a quartz countertops dealer Rockville, if you have any queries.



Do Granite Countertops Emit Radiation? Is It Harmful?

Granite countertops are really popular and they’ve been around for a long time. However, recently, there has been news flying around that these natural stone countertops are radioactive. Is there any truth to granite countertops being radioactive? Here’s what you need to know about it.

Radiation & Its Harmful Effects

The Earth is full of radioactive metals and substances. Uranium, plutonium, thorium, and even lead is found in the many layers of our planet. These metals can be extremely harmful to human health and if it’s mixed with resources like water, sand, and air, then the results can be detrimental.

Radioactive substances and metals are extremely unstable and they tend to emit certain rays to stabilize. Those rays are commonly known as radioactive rays or simply radiation. These rays can penetrate through almost anything and everything and the scary part is that it is not felt by humans or animals.

Radioactive rays can have a multitude of side effects and those include:

  • Abnormal changes or deformation
  • Miscarriages or still-birth in pregnant women
  • Defects of the face
  • Abnormal changes in the cell structure
  • Cancer and other vigorous disorders
  • Stomach issues like ulcers and chronic pain

Radioactive rays are a combination of certain rays and each of them has severe effects when it comes to human health. Radioactive rays consist of:

  • Alpha rays (positively charged or have an abundance of protons)
  • Beta rays (negatively charged or have an abundance of electrons)
  • Gamma rays (neutral rays with no charge)

Granite Countertops & Radiation

Granite is essentially an igneous rock that is made by solidifying molten rocks when cooled. These rocks can endure high temperatures and pressures that’s why they are used for various purposes like flooring and countertops.

However, there has been speculation and certain cases that granite is, in fact, not at all good for your health. This has caused a considerable blow to the rock’s reputation because emissions from granite sound downright terrifying. This was brought to light when granite was included in the conversation about radon emissions. Some tests and theories even found out that there are lethal emissions coming from the stone and this caused a whole debacle to take place and people were genuinely concerned.

Radon is a radioactive gas that is colorless and odorless. Radon is produced when uranium breaks down chemically as it surfaces on the ground. Since, natural stones are also quarried from the ground, these rocks, especially granite can likely contain trace amounts of radon and can be emitted in plain sight.

Uranium that seeps out of the ground is sporadically found in certain areas. This implies that whenever there is granite, there won’t necessarily be a seep of radioactive metals, but where there is uranium and granite in close vicinity, then it’s possible that granite can get “poisoned” by the seeping uranium. Because of this, radon can penetrate in the rock.

Since granite is a natural stone, it’s also porous, so any fluid, whether it’s a liquid or gas, can easily find its way into the rock, without a lot of effort. This is also another supporting factor that granite can emit harmful radiation because of its characteristic porous nature and that is frightening, if you think about it.

Are All Granite Countertops Radioactive?

Things can blow out of proportion very quickly, especially if it’s something horrific like radon emission, or something coupled with the prefix “radioactive”. Does this mean that all granite countertops are capable of emitting radiation? Well, that’s not exactly true. While it can be a possibility that granite may contain minute quantities of radioactive substances, it is not always going to emit radiation.

A case-by-case approach is more suitable to support this claim. These allegations, related to granite and radioactivity, are not new. They have been around for a long time and even though some people might believe the fact, at face value, a lot of individuals want studies and proof to be able to understand the situation.

A very common theme that some studies have shown over the years regarding granite and radiation, is the veining of the countertop. Granite has very distinct and beautiful veining on the surface and while most of it can be molten rocks, mixed with mica, it is believed that these traces of random lines might also contain uranium, thorium, and plutonium, all of which can decay into radon causing lung cancer. The thicker and more prominent the veins are, the higher the possibility of radiation.

Radiation From Granite Countertops Is Negligible

However, this study needs a bit more support from research and observations before it can be deemed correct. It is a known fact that radiation emitted from granite doesn’t contribute to the annual world radiation percentage and it’s extremely minute. Instead, it has been found that radon found in the soil is far more lethal to human health than that found in natural stone countertops.

This allegation is also used as a marketing gimmick by other competing countertop material retails and manufacturers because undoubtedly, granite is the king of countertop materials and its popularity can’t be toppled over that easily. So, retailers and manufacturers use the next best tactic: creating rumors that might frighten people.

Can You Test For Granite Radiation?

While granite doesn’t contain a lot of radiation-causing metals or substances, it’s still important that you test your countertops for radon emissions. This can be done pretty easily. You can either call in a professional radon testing technician for your countertops, or you can also get radon testers from your local health stores. Although the former option is recommended more because the results will be precise and more believable.

Usually, the radon test is done either in the kitchen or in neighboring rooms and the air is tested for radon. The device uses calibration and highly meticulous measuring capability to sense the presence of radon. It is recommended to all granite countertop owners that they should get their countertops tested, if there is even a blip of worry in their minds so that once the results are in their hands, they can either breathe a sigh of relief or get down to business to decrease the elevated levels of radon in the countertops as well as in the air.

What To Do?

So, you tested your countertops for radon and the results show elevated levels. Aside from being alarmed, a burning question in your mind might be: Well, how do I get rid of radon? No, you won’t have to remove your countertops, so if that’s what you were wondering, then you can stop fretting over it.

There are devices available that act as filters for radon and they can be installed in the kitchen or other rooms and the gas can be eliminated by this nifty contraption. The device essentially removes radon from the air. So, it kind of works like an air purifier, but specialized for lethal radioactive emissions.


Although it is possible that there could be trace quantities of uranium and other radioactive elements in granite, but to label it as “destructive” and “deadly” is a bit far-fetched. Still, if you want to be careful, ask granite contractors Rockville for granite slabs that don’t emit any radiation when choosing granite slabs for your kitchen island or countertops. And in case you want to avoid granite, you can go for quartz countertops.



What Are Leathered Granite Countertops?

You might be familiar with granite countertops, but leathered granite countertops, this might be something you haven’t even heard of before. Here is what you need to know about this variant of granite countertops.

What Is Leathered Granite?

Granite countertops are available in a variety of finishes. Granite can be matte, shiny, polished, honed and the list goes on. But what’s with the leathered finish? Well, granite also has a very rustic finish that is similar in appearance to polished granite, but instead of being smooth on the surface, it has a lot of texture. There are dips, divots, holes, and small hairline “cracks” that add to the beauty of the stone.

Leathered granite is kind of like a hybrid between a polished and textured granite surface. You might think that it will look weird or disproportionate, but the look of leathered granite is to die for.

Leathered granite is a treat for the eyes and because it is a textured surface, it is more likely to prevent stains from becoming permanent, which can be a huge issue with honed or matte granite countertops.

So, if you’re on the lookout for a granite finish that will save you from the burden of maintaining it, then leathered granite is worth a try.

How Is Leathered Granite Made?

A lot of people ask this question. Is leathered granite naturally like this? Is it made to have divots and holes? What’s the process? Well, for starters, yes, leathered granite is made to look like this.

Granite that is naturally found inside the Earth’s surface is smooth, but not “polished” per se. If a manufacturer wants to make leathered granite, they will have to polish and grind the surface of the granite to make it slippery and smooth.

Afterward, there is special equipment that is used to make divots on the surface of the countertop to give it some texture and turn the super slippery surface into something with a bit more friction.

So, a great thing about leathered granite is that it isn’t as polished as other granite surfaces, so fingerprints, smudges, and dirt stains won’t be an issue.

As the surface of granite is textured, you can also get away with not cleaning it as frequently and if you’ve used traditional glossy granite countertops before, then you would know how demanding they can be when it comes to maintenance. So, leathered granite countertops are a good choice for people.

Things To Know About Leathered Granite Countertops

Now that you know what leathered granite is and how it’s made, here are some things to know about these countertops.

It’s Durable

It’s granite, so of course it’s going to be extremely durable, but there is an added layer of robustness because of the textured surface. Leathered granite countertops are very strong and they don’t normally chip or crack under pressure, weight, or even high heat.

Also, the textured surface prevents heat stains and it distributes the heat and weight applied everywhere. So, you better believe that these babies are going nowhere for a long time no matter what you put them through.

No Worries Of Scratches

Scratches are a big hassle, especially if the surface is shiny and polished. Somehow the scratches are even more pronounced and it can be quite embarrassing to notice those blaringly obvious scars.

However, with leathered granite, there’s not a single thing that you need to worry about when it comes to scratches. The textured and divot-dotted surface of leathered granite is a blessing in disguise and it helps conceal most kinds of minor damage on your countertops. Even though some people might not like the look of textured granite, it is versatile when it comes to camouflaging imperfections.

It’s Less Slippery

If you paid attention in science class, then you would know that slippery surfaces normally don’t have friction at all. That means that things can slip and slide freely. On the other hand, textured surfaces tend to have friction and they’re amazing for gripping things.

Well, this is exactly the difference between polished granite and leathered granite. Yes, people love polished surfaces more, but leathered granite is a lot more efficient when it comes to friction. Liquids and moisture will not drag along the surface, rather the droplets will bead up, making clean-up a whole lot easier. So, textured surfaces aren’t as bad now, are they?

Divots Can Be A Problem

As amazing divots can be, they can also be a bit hard to clean. Since divots and cracks are dipped into the surface like small holes and bowls, it can be hard to simply clean the surfaces with a washcloth. This is why a brush will be needed to scoop up the dirt and debris from the crevices.

If you leave the dust and spills in the crevices, then the countertops can appear a bit dirty and with darker colors, the difference will be clear as day. So, when it comes to cleaning these countertops, you may have to take a few more steps.

It Can Be Expensive

Granite is already quite an expensive material, but leathered granite surpasses that limit as well. You might think that textured granite would be less expensive, but since leathered granite is treated and manufactured in a certain way, it runs a bit higher in price as compared to its polished and honed counterparts.

When purchasing leathered granite countertops, you need to keep in mind that you’re paying for the texture and the qualities accompanying it. It is a different material and if you think about it, leathered granite is worth the splurge.

It’s Easy To Maintain

Maintenance is synonymous with granite. There’s no doubt that granite is a wonderful material, but the amount of maintenance it requires is just a bit too much to handle. However, leathered granite will save you from this ordeal as well.

Given its textured and slightly polished surface, leathered granite doesn’t need to be polished, waxed, or treated with any solution. You just need to take care of the cleaning of the divots and reseal it once in a few years. There’s also no need to invest in specialty cleaners as some good ole detergent and water work perfectly for everyday cleaning. However, cleaners made for granite surfaces can be helpful.

You Need To Seal It

You’re going to have to seal leathered granite. Granite is a porous material in general, but leathered granite is a lot more vulnerable to water damage because of its textured surface. You will need to reseal leathered granite countertops frequently (every 1-3 years) because normally in the first round of sealing, some spots can be easily missed and you’ll need to go over them again.

This is probably the only “maintenance heavy” thing that leathered granite demands and besides, sealing the countertops will only make them last longer, so it’s a win-win situation no matter what.


Granite is already the most popular countertop material. And then there is leathered granite. It’s not something you’ll want to walk past. It’s a material worthy of having the spotlight in the kitchen. Check with granite companies Rockville to know which leathered granite textures and colors they are offering.



Why Quartz Countertops Are A Bad Choice For Outdoor Kitchens?

Quartz seems to be the titan of the countertops realm, with its unmatched durability, excellent longevity, and overall performance. But is this countertop material good for outdoor kitchen just as granite countertops are? Well, let’s see if quartz can handle the giant fireball, aka the sun.

Yes, Quartz Is Not Fit For The Outdoors

If you were thinking about building an outdoor kitchen and keeping quartz countertops in the blazing sunlight, then you might want to take a step back and rethink. Quartz countertops, even though they’re amazing for indoors and there aren’t a lot of stones that can match the qualities quartz has, are still not good for outdoor kitchens.

Why, you ask? Well, it’s going to fade away quickly in the sunlight and it will not look as appealing as it did before. Some things just aren’t meant for use in the sun, and quartz is one of them.

UV Light Damage

The main culprit that inflicts damage on quartz countertops is the sun’s rays. The UV rays of the sun are as bad for the countertops as they are for humans and their skin. Same with skin, if you keep the countertops outside for too long, they’re going to become dull and fade in color and in some cases, the quartz can become very brittle and fragile. So, it’s best that you don’t use them outside at all.

Minimal sunlight is alright, but anything too direct and exposed for too long can turn your beautiful quartz countertops into an ugly faded mess. UV rays from the sun affect the resin and pigments of the quartz countertops making them extremely dark and splotchy on the surface.

Shade Is Necessary

If you want to install quartz countertops outside, then you need to keep them in the shade. Direct sunlight isn’t good for anything, especially when it’s not protected properly. So, proper shade will be the safest option, however, it won’t guarantee that the countertops will remain in pristine condition as they would if they’re inside. This is mostly a last resort if you’re dead set to install quartz countertops in your outdoor kitchen.

Light Quartz Vs Dark Quartz

Another way by which you can suppress the damage of quartz countertops in sunlight is by getting lighter-colored quartz. Darker quartz can react more violently with sunlight and the pigment and resin combination can lose its potency way faster than its lighter-colored counterpart.

Dark quartz will also show the damages prominently whereas lighter quartz is a lot more forgiving. So, if you want to bite the bullet and get quartz countertops for the outdoor grill or kitchen, then consider lighter colors because they’re going to last a bit longer.

It’s Not Heat Resistant

If you didn’t know this already, quartz is not a naturally heat-resistant material. Quartz is an engineered stone and it’s made by combining and sealing resin with pulverized rocks and pigment, which gives the stone its characteristic appearance. Almost all man-made stones have bad heat resistance.

Nothing matches the heat resistance of natural stones because they’re made naturally inside the ground where the temperatures are astronomically high and the pressures are unbearable. You can’t expect quartz to match anywhere near this quality of natural stones. This is also another major reason why quartz doesn’t last as long in sunlight and it gets faded.

Amazing Qualities Of Quartz Countertops But Not For The Outdoors

Quartz can’t last in the sunlight. So what? The material itself is not bad. Quartz is still a very durable and reasonable material that will make wonderful and long-lasting countertops for indoor kitchens. Here are some qualities of quartz that are make it so popular.


Quartz is a highly durable material. It can last anywhere between 15 to 30 years if you take good care of the surface. Buying quartz countertops is a one-time investment and you will not regret this purchase because it’s going to pay off. This is why it’s a fan favorite among people.

Comparatively Affordable

Quartz is not as expensive as other materials. Natural stones, even though they also have amazing qualities, just aren’t as affordable as quartz and if you compare them with the qualities and things quartz has to offer, then you’ll know exactly which choice is better.

People can justify the cost of quartz, because it’s durable and doesn’t need a lot of maintenance whereas some natural stones are also durable but they need more maintenance than quartz.

Quartz countertops don’t need to be sealed every few years. You can set it and forget it because these bad boys are going to stay put for as long as you want.

Easy To Clean

There aren’t a lot of countertops that can match this quality of quartz. Let’s face it; no one wants to slave over kitchen countertops with a washcloth at all times. So, it’s comforting to know that quartz won’t put you through this trouble at all. It’s truly a magnificent material that requires little to no maintenance.

You just need to take care of daily cleaning and getting the countertops polished every year or so, and you’re pretty much set for a long time. Now that’s what you can call “low-maintenance”.

Better Alternatives To Use In Outdoor Kitchens

If you’re looking for countertop alternatives to use outside, then these options are going to be the best:

Granite Countertops

Lo and behold! Granite is a stone that knows no damage, especially the one inflicted by the blazing sun. Granite has a very high heat resistance which is not a quality you see in a lot of stones and it can take the heat of the sun like a champ.

There’s no need for you to worry about discoloration, fading, or damage to the countertops because granite can endure temperatures and harsh weather with finesse, so your kitchen will always look dazzling as long as you seal and maintain it properly.

Porcelain Slab Countertops

Porcelain is another great option to use outdoors. This material is also very shiny and it has a very opulent feel to it. So, the kitchen will feel glossy and luxurious. One thing that you need to keep in mind about porcelain slabs, is the fact they are not waterproof. You will need to seal them to protect the beautiful countertops from food stains and moisture.

This is the only drawback of this seemingly perfect material, and other than that, porcelain works like a wonder in an outdoor kitchen. If you like tiles, you also get a porcelain tile countertop that is waterproof.

Concrete Countertops

This option is great for all of you lovers of rugged countertops out there. Concrete is a very popular countertop material choice for outdoor kitchens. It’s appealing, it has that rustic appeal to it and it doesn’t need to be colored or stained whatsoever because the natural color of concrete doesn’t fade away in the sunlight. And the countertop will be as durable as the walls of the kitchen.

The only downside is that this material is extremely porous and it can absorb water, among other things, like a literal sponge. So, this makes sealing necessary because you not only want to protect the countertops from water damage, but infestation of bacteria and viruses too.


Quartz countertops are not fit for outdoor kitchens. Looks like it’s a score for the sun and a loss for quartz. But you can use granite countertops that are also extremely popular. Discuss it more with a granite installer Rockville.



How To Choose The Right Thickness For Granite Countertops?

Granite countertops are wonderful for kitchens and why shouldn’t they be? They are popular, beyond beautiful and they last for decades. But when choosing granite countertops, people focus on colors and patterns and ignore thickness which is an important factor influencing the durability of the slab. Here is everything you need to know about the selecting the right granite countertop thickness and why thicker countertops are so great.

The General Thickness Of Countertops

If you have no idea about the thickness of granite countertops, then the most common thickness is in between 1” to 1.75”. It’s the perfect thickness to give off the appeal of the stone and it also keeps the strength in check.

Normally, this thickness is perfect for kitchen countertops if you’re going for slabs. However, in case of tiles, they are commonly a lot thinner than slabs, about half an inch thick, and they can also shatter pretty easily. So, they’re not recommended at all for rough use in the kitchen. Slabs are a better option, but it all depends on personal preference and what you want to install in your kitchen.

Thickness For Kitchen Islands

Now that you have an idea about the general thickness of granite slabs, the next crucial thing to consider is the different countertop ideas. Some people also have kitchen islands in their space and they want to get something that will stand out.

Granite is a majestic material and it doesn’t need a lot to be prominent, but if you choose slightly thicker slabs for the kitchen island, then it’s going to look show-stopping. Kitchen islands are singular structures and they are mostly placed in the center of the kitchen. So, you’re going to need a material that is going to be fit for being the center of attention.

This is why you want to go for thick slabs of granite about 2 to 2.5 inches because that’s going to highlight the island and it’s will transform your overall kitchen into a thing of beauty. Therefore, when choosing slabs for an island, don’t be afraid to go a little thick because everything will balance out perfectly.

Consider Your Budget

The budget is also an important factor to consider when choosing the thickness of granite slabs. It comes as no surprise that granite is an expensive material and if you opt for thicker slabs, then you better believe that the price is also going to increase.

If you want, you can do a bit of research when deciding on the budget for the slabs because you’re going to want to get an estimate of how much the slab is going to cost. If you want to go for a thicker slab, then it’s obvious that you’re going to need a more comfortable budget to afford those heavy and magnificent slabs.

However, if you don’t have a higher budget, then you’re going to have to kiss the thick slabs goodbye and settle for something a bit thinner, so that it can shimmy into your budget bracket. But don’t settle for slabs that are less than 1.25 inches thickness because they may be easier to crack.

Thicker Means Stronger

This is not always true for countertop materials, but for granite, thickness is directly related to strength. Yes, the thicker slabs (1.75 inches or beyond) are going to be a pain to install because they’re understandably heavy, but once you do get them installed, the slabs are going to last for a lot longer, as compared to thin tiles.

Granite is an extremely durable material and it’s also one of the strongest countertop materials on the planet, so if you choose thicker slabs, then you’re going to get mammoth strength and longevity.

If you love the look of thick granite slabs, then you’re in luck because once you get them, they’re not only going to look stunning in the kitchen, but they’re also going to last you for years to come. What’s not to love about them? You are getting timeless and classic beauty and durability all in one go.

Chunky Slabs Are Stylish

There is just something about thick slabs that looks so minimal yet chic at the same time. You can go for thicker slabs if you want that extra element of edge to your kitchen and want to make it alluring for the people who enter your space.

Think about it, dark-colored granite slabs that are super thick resting on the countertop base against a light or neutral kitchen interior. It’s surely going to look stunning and you will have a hard time looking away from this gorgeous beauty. So, if you’re going mainly for the aesthetics of the countertops, then you want to choose thick slabs.

The Color Of Granite

The thickness you want to get for your granite countertops depends on the color you choose as well. There are certain colors of granite in which varying thicknesses are available. The colors in which more variety of thickness is available are usually darker colors like black, gray, dark blue, green, brown, and so on.

You can or cannot get thicker slabs in extremely light-colored granite because that’s hard to fabricate and not a lot of retailers can get it done for you. So, you’re going to have to settle for something dark, but if that’s not what you prefer, then you are probably stuck at a dead end.

More Edge Options

If you want interesting edge designs on your countertops, then this is the time when you want to go for thicker slabs. Since there is a lot of room for improvements and shaving off the material, thicker slabs are generally better to work with when creating edges of all designs and shapes.

You can go for a stair step edge, double bullnose edges, and more intricate designs. These edge designs will look more prominent on thicker granite countertops.

Slabs Vs Tiles

A very crucial comparison that’s important when considering the thickness of granite slabs is the one between slabs and tiles and which one you want to go for. Tiles are going to be a lot thinner and there’s also going to be a recurring problem of seams because the biggest tile that’s available for installation is 1×1 ft.

Slabs, on the other hand, are harder to install because of their sheer size and weight, but they’re a singular unit so seams won’t be an issue. They are considerably thicker than tiles, so they are also going to last longer.

Tiles countertops are rare due to some disadvantages like seams and cracks while slabs are the norm. So, choosing slabs is always the right move.

Go For Stacked Slabs

If you want to elevate the level of style and aesthetics in your kitchen and make your countertops even more mesmerizing, then you need to consider the very trendy stacked design. This idea is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of one slab, you can stack two or more thinner slabs on top of each other. They look amazing if done right. There is something about stacked countertops that just adds a rustic appeal.


Most people forget about countertop thickness or only go with standard thickness. However, if you put some thought into the thickness of granite countertops, it can make your countertops more mesmerizing. Do consult granite installers Potomac to know which granite thickness is right for your kitchen.



Pros And Cons Of Marble Countertops

There are so many countertop materials to choose from. There are marble, quartz, and granite countertops, and many more stones and materials. but how do you know which one is better? Well, you start with learning the pros and cons of each. Here are the pros and cons of marble countertops.

Pros Of Marble Countertops

They Are Beautiful

You can’t deny the fact that marble is a beautiful stone. It’s a work of wonder to say the least. The white and light base colors coupled with the intricate and random veining look stunning in different lights. Not to mention the slight shimmer the stone has, thanks to the natural pulverized stones present in it that glisten in the sunlight. It’s a treat for eyes for sure. The looks of marble are what gets people 99% of the time and it’s a major selling point.

Marble is also pretty versatile as it can be used not only in kitchens but in bathrooms making sculptures and virtually anything pretty. Putting aside all of the cons of marble, its beauty is still unmatched to this day. People still gravitate towards it even though they are fully aware that it won’t last as long as granite or quartz. People know that marble is quite expensive, but this is something non-negotiable for them and they want to get their hands on this perfect stone and have a glimpse of natural beauty in their kitchens.

Marble Countertops Add A Lot Of Value

Marble might be expensive, but it has a huge return on investment. How is that possible, you ask? Well, marble is a very popular material among the masses regardless of its very obvious demerits. People still love the look and the overall luxury of marble, so you better believe that buyers are going to fight till the end to get a house that has marble countertops in the kitchen and bathrooms.

Marble countertops are a very attractive feature when it comes to selling houses. A lot of buyers will appreciate the fact that the kitchen comes with these beautiful countertops and the sellers will want to get a good deal on the property. Now as a seller, you will be at an advantage because you can get a higher bid for your house just because there are marble countertops in your kitchen. Since there are going to be a lot of buyers, you can amp up the competition a bit and name a higher price. Chances are that people will still be interested in sealing the deal even if the price is a bit on the higher side.

Variety Is Endless

Not a lot of natural materials can beat marble when it comes to the options in finishes and colors. There is just so much to choose from as the color variety of marble is also remarkable and there is something for everyone whether it’s light and neutral or a darker and deeper shade range.

And it’s not only the colors. Marble has a ton of finishes as well from completely matte to slightly shimmery to full-on glossy slabs. Each finish is unique and loved by the masses.

Cons Of Marble Countertops

They Can Scratch

Marble may be beautiful, but it sure lacks in the department of strength. Marble can get easily scratched and cracked and that’s because it’s not as strong enough. Even on the Mohs scale of hardness, marble is ranked lower than granite, so it’s naturally a soft material.

You can’t expect a soft and delicate material like marble to be strong and durable. It just doesn’t work like that. It all boils down to the composition of the stone, which is the main reason why it’s so delicate and fragile.

Marble is primarily made up of calcium carbonate and other pulverized stones and the veining is all mica and other tinted minerals. Calcium carbonate, in reality, is a pretty reactive substance. It reacts violently with acids and forms carbon dioxide gas, which in turn causes a fizzing reaction to occur. It also gets eaten away by harsh chemicals and it doesn’t sustain scratches from knives and sharp objects.

As for cracks, since marble is a softer material, it’s also relatively easier to break and crack, and even if you try to put some weight on it, you will see small chips or a hairline crack. This is a huge bummer considering that people love marble for its looks, but when it comes to strength, there are better options out there.

Stains Are The Norm

Marble, like all of other natural stones available, is also porous. This is something that you need to deal with when it comes to natural stones because that is just the way that they’re made under the ground. Porous rocks are hard sponges and they can absorb liquids and fluids that are sitting on the surface for a little too long. This can lead to internal damage to the stone and it will get ruined in no time.

This also means that the stone is not waterproof, which destroys the purpose of it being used in the kitchen because there’s going to be a lot of splashes. So, marble, in a nutshell, needs a lot of maintenance.

It needs to be sealed first so that the pores can be filled and that water doesn’t get in any further from the surface of the countertops. Since this stone is pretty expensive too, maintaining it can seem like a hassle for a lot of people because they just don’t want to spend extra money on getting the material maintained. So, this is why people don’t prefer marble because it’s just too much work. If you need a non-porous material, try engineered stone countertops.

Marble Countertops Are Expensive

You’ve heard it already, but marble is pretty expensive. It’s one of the most expensive stones for kitchen countertops. It has humongous price tag and truthfully, not a lot of people can afford this stone. They want something that’s not going to put a sizable dent in their wallet, so they want to opt for something that’s a bit lower in the budget spectrum and something that is going to last a lot longer than marble.

The price range of marble countertops is from $60 to $140 per square foot and that’s bonkers if you think about getting countertops for the entire kitchen. That’s going to require a hefty budget.

Judging by the maintenance of marble and the general price of the stone, a lot of people don’t think that it’s worth it in the long run, because the expenses don’t end there. There is a lot of money that goes into maintaining the stone and taking care of it and it’s just not justified by a lot of people, which is why they tend to stay away from marble and go for other materials that will be more decent in price as well as durability.


Marble is undoubtedly a beautiful and versatile material, but it does come with a handful of cons that can confuse the buyers, as to whether it’s even worth it or not. The decision is ultimately up to you. You can learn about natural stone countertop materials from countertop replacement services Rockville.