
How Do You Make Granite Countertops Look Good?

Granite countertops look magnificent in any home, and this is one of the primary reasons many homeowners go for them. If you have had your countertops for a long time and they have started losing their original exquisite look, you must be wondering, how do you make granite countertops look good, right?

Well, there are plenty of ways you can do it. Some of these ways include:

Shine the countertops

When you installed the countertops for the first time, you must have noticed an inviting natural shine. The shine is largely due to the high quartz content in granite.

While the shine is inviting when new, over time, it fades off, giving your countertops an old, cheap look.

To make your countertops look good, you need to maintain this shine. Besides cleaning the countertops regularly, you also should regularly polish the surfaces.

Thankfully, there are plenty of polishing products in the market you can use. All you need to do is find those that match your countertops and give your surfaces a perfect look you are looking for.

When polishing the countertops, take care not to use rough cleaning tools that scratch the surface. As a rule of thumb, use a soft cloth, precisely a microfiber cloth, that won’t cause any harm to the surface.

Use the same soft cloth to buff the surfaces and buff in a circular motion to don’t cause any harm and reach the entire surface.

Other ways to keep your granite looking good

Besides polishing the countertops, there are many other ways to keep your granite looking good. Some of these other ways include:

Take good care of the countertops

Like your car, clothes, appliances, or any other thing, if you want your countertops to look good, you have to take good care of them.

The beauty is there are plenty of ways to take care of them. Some of these ways include:

Clean spills immediately: As soon as spills happen, you should clean them to avoid hard-to-remove stains from forming.

Use coasters: Coasters come in handy at preventing the hot pots placed on the countertops from coming into direct contact with the countertops. As a rule of thumb, use high-quality coasters that will provide the countertops with maximum protection and last for a long time.

Use cutting boards: The same way you should use coasters and hot pads is the same way you should use cutting boards when cutting meat, vegetables, and other food items. As a rule of thumb, never cut directly on granite surfaces.

Don’t sit on the countertops: It’s normal for most homeowners to sit on the countertops as they wait for food to cook. Others will come to the kitchen and sit there as they chat. This is wrong.

To avoid cracking your countertops, avoid sitting on them, especially on the edges. You also should avoid standing on them to reach the top shelves or replace a burnt bulb.

Clean the countertops regularly

As mentioned above, cleaning the countertops goes a long way towards keeping them looking good. When doing the cleaning, use the right cleaning products.

In most cases, water and soap are enough to keep the surfaces in top shape, but you can use commercial cleaning products when looking for that extra shine. When buying the cleaner, use one specifically designed for granite surfaces.

Never use ammonia, citrus, or vinegar to clean the surfaces as they are highly acidic cleaners, and using them will dull the surfaces.

The right way to clean the countertops is to spray or mist the cleaner across the entire surface, then let it sit for a minute, after which you wipe it with a soft microfiber cloth until it’s dry.

Seal the countertop

The final thing you should do is seal the countertops to lock out any materials that might try to find their way into the countertops. You can seal the countertops or hire granite countertop installers Rockville to help.

When sealing the surfaces, work in small sections to don’t spray the same area more than once. After applying the sealant, wipe the surfaces with a soft cotton cloth until completely dry.



What to Do With Granite Countertops

When buying granite for the first time, all you hear is what you shouldn’t do to it. For example, you are told that you shouldn’t sit on it, you shouldn’t place hot items on it, you shouldn’t wash it with harsh products, and so on.

If you are a granite fan, you must be wondering what you can do with it, right? Well, here is what to do with granite countertops:

Clean them with soap and a rag

Soap and rag are all you need to leave your countertops spotless. To clean the surfaces, wet a rag and apply a bit of soap to the countertop or your rug. You should then wipe the entire surface once to clean it.

To avoid spreading food, grease, and dirt, wring the rag with fresh water and once you are done, rinse the rag and wipe it down the counter with fresh water to remove any soap residues.

Follow it with drying the countertop with a microfiber cloth.

If the soap isn’t getting your countertops clean enough or you want to get better results, use a special countertop cleaner.

You can also make your special granite cleaner. To make the cleaner, you need to mix 50/50 rubbing alcohol with water, then add 20 drops of your favorite essential oils. This mixture will not only clean the countertops, but also disinfect them.

Remove granite stains

The other thing you can do is remove granite stains. Regular daily cleaning is enough to leave your countertops spotless, but sometimes you spill something, and you don’t remove it on time. In such a case, you have to think about removing the stains without damaging the natural stone.

One of the ways to do it is to apply baking soda paste. Regardless of the nature of the stain, the chances are high that baking soda will remove it. To get rid of an oil-based stain, make a baking soda paste with water and if you are dealing with a water-based stain, mix the baking soda with hydrogen peroxide.

Apply the paste over the stained areas, gently scrub the counter with a soft cloth and rinse it thoroughly. If the stain doesn’t come off the first time, repeat it.

If you repeatedly scrub the surface and the stain doesn’t come off, cover the area with plastic wrap and tape the edges down. Leave the homemade stain remover in place overnight or after a few days, then rinse and wipe the granite with a soft cloth and this will hopefully reveal the stain-free surface.

Seal the countertops

Most granite countertops come with a seal coat, but this isn’t enough—you need to add an extra layer to keep your countertops in top shape. You can do the sealing by yourself if you have the skills, but let an expert do the work for the best outcome.

You have two options with sealants—water and solvent-based sealants. Water-based sealants are environmentally friendly, while solvent-based sealants go deeper into the soil.

Regardless of what you settle on, when making the purchase, be on the lookout for the active ingredient “fluorocarbon aliphatic resin.” This product provides over 10 years of protection and repels oil from your surfaces, so you don’t have to worry about oils on your surfaces.

Begin with cleaning the countertops to remove dirt, dust, and other materials that might be present. One of the best ways to clean is to mix one teaspoon of dishwashing detergent and two tablespoons of isopropyl alcohol in a pint spray bottle and fill it with cool water.

You should then generously apply it on the countertops and wipe it clean with polishing using a microfiber cloth. Give the countertops 24 hours to completely dry out before applying the sealer.

Proceed and apply your desired sealer. To prevent the sealer from coming off, it’s recommended you leave it at least 24 hours before using the countertops.

Parting shot

These are some of the things you can do with your granite counters. If you can’t do something to your counters, let granite companies Rockville or any other professionals help you out—you don’t want to do something you can’t, and you ruin your precious surfaces, do you?



Do Granite Countertops Scratch?

Granite is one of the most popular countertop materials in the world. It’s referred to as the hardest, scratch-resistant materials you can invest in. While this is the case, you must have heard some of your friends or even family members saying that their countertops developed scratches.

Do granite countertops scratch? They do. The countertops can be scratched by other items that are equally hard or harder than granite itself. These include stones such as diamonds. So you should avoid pressing your diamond ring into granite or pulling it along the surface.

Quartz and other cutting devices designed to cut through granite will also scratch the countertop material. In most cases, contrary to popular belief, knives won’t scratch granite, but using them directly on the surface will dull them. So to preserve them, you should always have a cutting board in place.

Why do the countertops scratch?

While the countertops are tough and durable, they aren’t scratch proof. When you roughly use them, or an accident happens, the countertops can crack, chip, or even develop major scratches.

Some of the reasons the countertops can develop scratches and cracks include:

  • Falling of heavy objects on the countertops
  • Cutting vegetables with a sharp knife directly on the countertops
  • Using abrasive products on the countertops. This often happens when you are cleaning the surfaces.
  • Sliding heavy utensils or pottery with hard pointed parts on the countertops.

Even a minor scratch on the countertops will spoil the beauty of the countertops. The scratches also trap dust, creating a space for bacteria and other microorganisms to grow.

Due to this, you should move with haste and fix the scratches.

Ways to fix granite scratches

There are plenty of ways you can fix the scratches, and it varies depending on the depth and size of the scratch.  You can group scratches into three main categories:

  • Hair like scratches
  • Scratches deeper than 2mm
  • Scratches deeper than 3 mm

You can fix the minor scratches on your own, but for scratches deeper than 2mm, you should seek professional help.

Fixing hair-like scratches

Hair like scratches are easy to fix, and you can easily fix them on your own using one of the following methods:

Washing the scratches with water and dish wash: Here, you need to find a course rag and wash the scratched area with warm water and dish wash. You should saturate the granite surface with a dishrag soaked with hot soapy water and let it sit for some time.

With little pressure and cleaning, some of the scratches will fade and others disappear. If there are any deeper scratches, they will remain as they are.

Use penetrating sealers: You can apply a penetrating stone sealer at least once a year to add extra protection to your granite counters. All you need is to buy a brand that is recommended by the manufacturer and follow the application directions. After applying it, give it time to dry completely. The sealer soaks into the scratches and fills the scratches, making them invisible to the eye.

Other ways you can fix the hair-like scratches include: using resin scratch stick and ultra-fine steel wool.

Fixing scratches deeper than 3mm.

As mentioned above, you should refrain from attempting to fix scratches deeper than 2 mm. If you got larger scratches, you are better off hiring granite experts.

Most of the contractors will use a diamond polishing or sanding pad to repair small or medium scratches. Since diamond is harder than granite, it will remove the annoying scratches.

Preventing scratches from coming about

Prevention is always better than cure, so you should always strive to prevent the scratches from coming about instead of repairing them. According to granite installers Rockville, the best way to prevent scratches from coming about is to seal the counters regularly.

After sealing it at installation, you also should seal it once every year. By sealing the surfaces, you provide a protective coating that is hard to remove unless you dig too hard into it.

It’s also wise to keep damaging materials such as precious stones and other materials stronger than granite away from the counters.